So you have got a list of Powered OFF VMs in vCenter and would like to perform a cleanup however you don't have any idea when this was powered OFF. Well there are three ways to find the powered OFF date.
1. Event Timestamp - highly reliable method
2. NVRAM Timestamp - average reliable method
3. Storage Timestamp - least reliable method
Create a txt file named VMList.txt and paste the name of VMs one by one.
Step by Step Procedure
1. Save the VMList.txt in C:\Temp of your windows machine
2. Open PowerShell ISE and connect your vCenter
3. Input credentials and wait for the connection to establish.
4. Now paste the below script in the PowerShell ISE.
get-content "C:\Temp\VMList.txt" |
foreach {Get-VM -Name $_|
Select Name,PowerState,
@{N='Event Timestamp';E={
(Get-VIevent -Entity $_ -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) |
where{$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VmPoweredOffEvent]} |
Sort-Object -Property CreatedTime)[-1].CreatedTime
@{N='Storage Timestamp';E={$_.ExtensionData.Storage.Timestamp.ToLocalTime()}},
@{N='NVRAM Timestap';E={
$dsName = ($_.ExtensionData.LayoutEx.File | where {$_.Type -eq 'nvram'}).Name.Split(' ')[0].Trim('[]')
$ds = Get-Datastore -Name $dsName
New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name DS -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root "\" | Out-Null
$file = Get-ChildItem -Path "DS:\$($_.Name)\$($_.Name).nvram"
Remove-PSDrive -Name DS -Confirm:$false
} |Export-csv "c:\Temp\output.csv"
5. Select this Script in your PowerShell ISE and run this.
6. You will get the output in C:\Temp\output.csv in the below format.
Any questions, ask in comments.